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Build Configuration Create

Create a Multiplay Hosting build configuration.

Authentication Required: Yes

ugs multiplay-hosting build-configuration create [options]


environment-name-e, --environment-nameThe services environment name.
project-id-p, --project-idThe Unity cloud project ID.
binary-path--binary-pathPath to the game binary.
build--buildBuild to associate with the new build configuration.
command-line--command-lineBinary launch parameters.
configuration--configurationList of "key:value" pairs used to configure this build configuration, supports multiple value.
cores--cores(DEPRECATED) The number of CPU cores required per server.
memory--memory(DEPRECATED) Maximum memory required per server (MB).
name--name(DEPRECATED) Name to use for the new build configuration.
query-type--query-typeQuery type supported by this build configuration (a2s, sqp or none).
speed--speedCPU utilisation per core.
readiness--readinessReadiness of the build configuration.
help-?, -h, --helpDisplay help and usage information.
quiet-q, --quietReduce logging to a minimum.
json-j, --jsonUse JSON as the output format.